Tilling & Harvesting

In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we are always aiming to use as little machinery as possible. Instead of ploughing, harrowing, sowing and then rolling which is normal practice, we use an eco-till machine that drills the seed directly into the ground without the need for ploughing and harrowing. Seed is sown at approximately 50 seeds per square metre.

Tilling Rapeseed   Tilling Rapeseed

After eco-tilling a Cambridge roller is then used to gently press the seed into the soil.

Tilling Rapeseed

At harvesting time a combine harvester gently separates the seed from the pod. This is the seed from which the oil is extracted. The combine harvester chops the remaining plant before spreading it over the field. This acts to increase the organic matter in the soil.

Harvesting Rapeseed   Harvesting Rapeseed